
Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Volume I) Finale

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Literature Text

12 by iron-spartan

No more running away (2/2)

Their blades collided again and again with no clear winner. It was until Y/N jumped back and then charged at her swinging upwards that he gained the upper hand, breaking her guard as well as her weapon and tackling her back to the wall with his blade near her throat and acting fiercely

Ursa: C-Come on, finish it!- He screamed in a rough voice tone and threw a punch that missed on purpose but destroying part of the glass wall in front of them and making a bloody mess out of his knuckles... Literally

He stood there tiredly looking down as he breathed heavily and then sternly turned his gaze towards her saying:

Y/N: I'm. No. Murderer- She sighed in annoyance and took out something from her arsenal

Ursa: Maybe this will change up your mind- She threw a grenade into the room and began to laugh maniacally. He quickly looked back and shout

Y/N: YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!!-He tackled her and broke the entire glass wall as the grenade exploded

They made it out just in time before the shards and any subproducts of the explosion could reach them. Y/N held the woman close to him to avoid any more 'surprises'

She struggled to get him off from her but then came up with an idea

Ursa: If you're not going to finish this- She took out a sword and turned it around.

Ursa: I WILL-She impaled herself and managed to stab part of Y/N's chest before he quickly let go.

The young student tried to reach to her but when he did, it was too late, they reached the ground roughly and making a crater as a result. On the floor, Y/N's aura managed to absorb most of the impact but it still hurt like hell.

He slowly got up and try to walk again only to see a sword that came out from a black pile of ash and an Ursa mask, she was dead now.

Y/N couldn't believe this, somebody had died for his fault, that was the first time he was conscious of what he was doing and now, one way or the other he just took a life.

He kneeled down and looked to the ground as well, with tears in his eyes while honoring the now deceased foe

" It doesn't matter how evil is our foe, Y/N, it is not our decision to end their lives"

Those words resonated within him, making him open his eyes as memory another took place

5 years ago

Y/N found himself in a small dojo-like house, surrounded by nature and a friendly wind.

He was standing firmly and listening to the man giving him instructions

Man: Now, repeat what I said

Y/N: It doesn't matter how evil is our foe, we cannot take their lives It doesn't matter how evil is our foe, we cannot take their lives

Man: Good, now, believe it

Y/N: E-Excuse me?- His posture got weaker as this took him by surprise

Man: Yes young Y/N. When I first found you, you were filled with hatred and even had blood on your hands. Even if I don't know why you did what you did, I do know that you had good intentions, but beware- He made a barely audible noise and another male jumped to ambush him

Man: The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Y/N dodged every last one of the blows and found an opening in his opponent's attacks, he grabbed his foe's arm and threw him to the ground, immediately pointing his wooden blade towards him. The man clapped and tapped him on the back a couple times, laughing slightly as the young man helped his opponent up.

Man: You have indeed improved, even without using your semblance- He smiled at his master at this

Y/N: What can I say, Master Rackley, you've trained me very well

Master Rackley: Yes I have, as well as you, Vance, well done- He bowed down and the student did the same. He then turned around and faced Y/N once more, smiling

Master Rackley: Remember your objective, as you are one step closer to it and I'm proud of you for that- The young man smiled, but it didn't last long because he remembered his main objective

A girl came in informing the food was ready and left. The two of them were leaving the room until the old master noticed Y/N wasn't following but was actually sitting at the edge of the floor, looking down at the small pools and the fishes swimming inside them

Master Rackley: Y/N, do you not wish to eat?- His voice made Y/N snap out of it and face his master

Y/N: sorry Master, but no, I'm fine right now, just need to meditate. You go ahead- He clearly didn't buy that but decided to trust his young student anyway

Master: Rackley: Very well then, enjoy meditating- He was slowly walking outside, when the same voice stopped him

Y/N: Master, can I talk with you?- The old man sat next to him, accepting his offer

Master Rackley: What is it that troubles you?

Y/N: Do you remember our first talk?- They kept looking at the view in front of him

Master: Rackley: The one about your sister, yes

Y/N: She is still alive, I know that for a fact but...

Master Rackley: But?

Y/N: Well...I...I'm afraid, sir- This sentence made him redirect his attention towards Y/N.

Master Rackley: Afraid? Of what?

Y/N: Afraid of what I might find once I see my sister, I know she was such an innocent girl, but what if loses her way? What if she lets herself be consumed by power, fear or even hatred?: I...I couldn't possibly have the force to stop her if I happen to see her again.- The man put a hand on Y/N's shoulder, sympathizing with him while showing a smile

Master Rackley: It is possible, yes, but may I ask you something, Y/N?

Y/N: G-Go ahead

Master Rackley: How close were you two?

Y/N: A lot, sir

Master Rackley: Then, perhaps, it is not too late yet. You two share a strong link, how strong said link becomes if she loses her way is entirely up to you, with that said, it doesn't matter how much darkness she might have encountered along her way, if you are able to show her the light again, it was all worth it.- He stood up and looked again at the pool

Master Rackley: But beware, you might get deceived while trying to get her out of the darkness, you must be strong Y/N. You have potential within you, but is it up to you how useful it really is, and remember, doesn't matter how evil our opponent may be...

Y/N:... It is not our decision to end their lives. *Sigh* Thanks, Master, this talk has been useful

He smiled and walked towards the doorway- You're quite welcome, young Y/N...y the way, if you get inside you might still be able to find some food

Y/N chuckled and nodded, before turning back to the view as his master got outside the room, leaving him alone

"So, show her the light, huh?"


You killed her!

The remaining sisters arrived at the scene, confused at the young man's actions in front of them, especially the youngest one. Rain soon began to make its presence known as well

Creep: There he is!

Nevermore: What is he doing?- She tried to approach him but was stopped by the leader, who angrily looked back at her.

Beowolf: He's "honoring" our sister, she doesn't deserve it though

Nevermore: What!? Why not?

Deathstalker: Because she was weak, we gave her a chance to take him down and she failed us miserably- Her young sister reluctantly remained silent again as the others readied their weapons once more

Beowolf: Alright Y/N, no more games, no more fun, your life ends here

He stood up, sighed and kept running away, reaching the rooftops and then faced them with a calm expression on his face

Y/N (In mind): Keep yourself calmed, remember to keep balance of your emotions as Azure said

Y/N: *sigh* Look, I'm giving you the chance to surrender right now. Take it or else- They began to laugh (Except for the 'Nevermore') and got into a battle stance

Nevermore (In mind): What is he doing? where did he get courage again all of the sudden!?

Creep: Or else?- Y/N got his sword out again, but this time the energy was more unstable

Y/N: Face the consequences

They began walking in circles, staring at each other while waiting for the other to attack

The "Deathstalker" was the first one to attack, she threw her dust-infused spear at the ground behind them and froze that part of the roof with ice, trying to make him stuck but failed when he jumped and kicked her before landing again and fighting directly against the leader. The remaining sisters joined the fight, slowly overpowering him. Getting cuts all over his body, he managed to get some space to breathe and looked at his scroll

Y/N (In head): Just 20 more minutes, I just need to distract them long enough- Decided he had to run away.

Beowolf: Now, as we planned!- They kept chasing him, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until he got the chance to recover, looking at them with a tired expression

Y/N: I'm sick of you trying to corrupt me, just deal with it, I won't ever be like you!!- They left him to speak while they regained their breath as well

Y/N: You girls are doing nothing but contribute to Remnant's demise! Can't you see it!?

Beowolf: Shut it! We are protecting life!-It seems like he touched a nerve by saying that

Y/N: You're destroying it! just take a look around, this place was supposed to bring life and YOUR master killed lots of innocent souls!!- He motioned at the destroyed city

The rain became more active as they talked

Y/N: Look, girls, I 've been raised to believe that ANYONE can redeem themselves, even you, so let's just try to forget this who thing and actually help bring Remnant peace, shall we?- He lowered his guard and slowly the sisters followed, confused at this peace offering. This didn't last long since the leader returned to her harsh nature and shook her head in denial

Beowolf: Stop it with the mind games!!

Creep: We don't believe any of your lies! 

Beowolf: Sister, kill him right now!- She motioned at the "Nevermore" as she and the rest of the group began to walk away, leaving him for dead but, nothing happened, she just stood in front of him

Beowolf: What are you doing!? Attack him!- She turned around and began to walk back to her

Nevermore: No, maybe...Maybe he's right. All we have ever done is kill people, have you ever thought of they deserved it?- The leader growled angrily, clenching her teeth and slapped her across the floor once more

Beowolf: You weak brat! Get her out of my sight!- The "Deathstalker" knocked her out and the "Creep" used her chains to wrap around her sister and threw her out of the building, making her fall and fast

Y/N reacted quickly and dashed through them and managed to grab a part of the chain at the last moment, saving her from certain death.

Y/N: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?- He turned to face them, patience was lost and they got into a battle stance

Deathstalker: She was weak, so we got rid of her, and now- She took out a pair of daggers from her back- We get rid of YOU

They jumped to attack him, but he couldn't put a fight since he was using one hand to hold the chain. In one of those movements, he ducked under a hit, kicked back and threw the chain to a pillar nearby strong enough to safeguard the unconscious sister while he fought the rest

The rain was clearly stronger to the point it was loud and visible through the lights of the night itself. 

The young man, tired of their behavior and ready to battle yet again, cracked his knuckles and he said:

Y/N: Alright, enough running from the past- He took out his weapon and activated it, yet the energy was very aggressive, sometimes even zapping Y/N himself, but he ignored it.

He rushed towards them and began slashing repeatedly, barely leaving them any space despite they being 3. Be destroyed half of the "Beowolf's" claws and dodged the "Creep's" Chains easily, As he fought, his skin was getting warmer and warmer again and shortly enough he was covered in a red blaze. Leaving unnoticed the Deathstalker, who stabbed one of her daggers through his leg and the other in his shoulder before kicking him, earning a scream of pain and seemingly setting the fire off.

Creep: Is he dead?- Shortly after she asked that Y/N began to breath heavily and rose from the ground again, but this time, it was the feared blazing skull again, with red fire burning through his body

The now pissed off beast pulled out the blades that pierced his skin and threw them away before walking towards them  

Beowolf: No, he's not!- She threw more daggers at him, only to be blocked and ignored most of the time. He then began to charge and resumed his frenzy, he grabbed and pulled the "Creep's" chains and hit her using his knee strong enough for her to gasp for air, however, he lifted her up and threw her at her comrades, being her the first one to be taken out. 

Y/N himself was no more, but the Hell Soldier had taken over


Y/N: W-Where am I?- He woke up and saw pure darkness, and from it, emerged the fire that soon became the feared monster

Hell Soldier: I took over, you need to rest

Y/N: Rest!?, no I don't!- He yelled t the skull, but it didn't even flinch

Hell Soldier: Look at yourself- He did as told and saw that he was, indeed, in a very bad shape to keep fighting

Hell Soldier: I saved your life, boy- The young man didn't know what to answer, the beast was right

Y/N: But...But you aren't real!, I'm not the typical hero with an inner demon! 

Hell Soldier: Of course I'm not real. I'm just a part of yourself that you never truly show because you're afraid-  The skull leaned forward and caught him off-guard by saying this

Y/N: Afraid?

Hell Soldier: Afraid you will kill them all with your rage, that's what I am, the destroyer force of nature that you so eagerly try to avoid


Hell Soldier: Admit it, there are enemies that you can't simply spare, they MUST be killed

Y/N: What? No!

Hell Soldier: In order to save millions of lives, a few must be taken

Y/N: I...- He was just speechless, how he couldn't be? he was arguing with himself after all

Back to reality

The "Deathstalker" rushed towards him but he parried each attack with ease, he then jumped back and thrust forward with his sword, she sidestepped and the young man quickly reacted by delivering another swing that hit her and even shocked her. The Hell Soldier took the opportunity and stomped on her knee, breaking it and earning yet another scream of pain before knocking her out as well. He then kept walking towards the leader, who looked quite confident herself

Beowolf: I-It seems like the poison made effect, I have to admit it though, you turned out way more aggressive than I thought you would, even without any powers whatsoever

Hell Soldier: I don't need a semblance to make your life hell- This reaction made her regain her composure and began to attack him again and again, even hitting critical zones, but he ignored every last bit of pain

Beowolf: W-Why won't you die!?- She was genuinely scared of what was happening that she didn't saw him grabbing her arm. He then disarmed her and began striking her down with his bare fists, even breaking parts of her mask with every punch

Hell Soldier: You. Wanted. This. Now. You. Have- He pushed her to the ground and was about to deliver the final blow, to end her life but something came across his mind at that moment

"Just don't become the monster they want you to be"

The Hell Soldier found himself in Y/N's mindscape and turned around to see him

Hell Soldier: What?

It was in that moment, that he had flashbacks, flashbacks of the words Azure herself told him to remain calm, and what might happen if he doesn't.

 Y/N: Think about what you've achieved!, if you deliver that final blow, EVERYTHING that we fought for will be meaningless!- He stared at the leader, whose eye could be seen as that part of the mask was missing. She was  truly afraid of him

Y/N: Remeber why are you doing this, you are here right now not to take lives, but the preserve them!- He looked at the chained girl he had saved and then looked at his hands, covered in his enemies' blood.

Y/N: Some people might have lost their way or even enjoy spilling out blood just for the sake of it, but if you do this right now, you won't be any better than the man who took our parents away.

The rain kept going on, but his flames were dying down slowly due to him calming down again

Beowolf: W-what...Scared to f-finish it...Off?- His monstrous gaze returned to her, scaring her again when his expression turned grim, like if he was a predator deciding the fate of its prey

Y/N (In head): Remember who you fight for, remember them...

Hell Soldier: Cinder...-He rose his gaze towards the raining sky as the sweet voice of his sister echoed throughout his mind

Cinder (Memory): You're my hero, Y/N- She said with her kind tone like when he saved her from that Beowolf

Y/N: Let us not forget our friends at Beacon: Ruby, Blake, Jaune, Weiss...Yang- Good memories of both team RWBY and JNPR appeared as well, illuminating the dark room they were in

Hell Soldier: They'll die if we don't act

Y/N: Everybody will die if we act. If I let you roam free.

Y/N: Do we really want to lose that?- The monster looked down and said in a different tone than his aggressive one

Hell Soldier: I have to give it to you kid, you do know how to face your demons.

He slowly disappeared from the room, allowing it to become complete darkness once more and leaving Y/N by himself.

The "Beowolf" couldn't help but watch him go back to being Y/N, but taking the opportunity, she tried to reach out for her weapon only to be stopped by Y/N himself who had still steam coming out from his body.

Beowolf: Y-You can't change who your past, Y/N- He smirked when heard this, confusing her

Y/N: I'm sure as hell I can't-He knocked her out cold, finally defeating his opponent

Y/N: But I can learn from it- He stood there, looking down with a smile on his face, he had overcome his demons, for now. 

For a second, the now weak rain was the only sound in that place, until a light was flashed upon him, revealing itself as a Bullhead

Y/N: *sigh* about damn time you guys showed up- From the ship came a small squad of Atlesian soldiers, aiming their guns at him until another one of them asked

Soldier: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Hi- The soldier sighed in relief and ordered the squad to lower their weapons

Soldier: Sorry for being late

Y/N: No worries

Soldier: The ship landed over there, get what you need and let's take you back home- He nodded and the squad left him alone, moving towards the ship while he retrieved the girl he had helped earlier. Y/N jumped towards the nearest building and began to pull her up. She was not awake yet

Y/N: Hope I'm not making mistakes by bringing you with me- He carried her away with him and started walking towards the ship

Soldier: Is she coming too?

Y/N: Yes, I think Ozpin might have some questions for her

Soldier:...Very well then, careful

He nodded as he boarded the ship and put the girl on the seat across the platform before grabbing a seat himself while waiting for the ship to fly away.

Suddenly his scroll vibrated, it was a text from Penny herself

Penny: "Salutations Y/N! I hope the reinforcements arrived on time. I had to help a friend, sorry for not being there!- He chuckled when he read it and texted back:

Y/N: "No worries, thank you Penny!, guess I'll see you later"

Penny: " You bet! :D "

He kept chatting when in the corner of his eye he saw something move, so he rose his gaze and saw the girl wasn't there anymore. Alarmed, he looked through the plane but it began to gain altitude and started to fly away from the zone.

As for Y/N, he just looked out the small window, back at the destroyed city and Atlas's work, still assimilating the situation. The girl left the plane but didn't harm anyone in the process

Despite the destroyed look of the city, the presence of nature and the night itself made the view quite pleasant for him. He sighed and looked away as the place could no longer be seen, he thought of girl that was in front of him as he looked out the window

Y/N (In mind): She seemed like someone who actually saw the truth, I hope she can get a chance to redeem herself.

"We all deserve one"


The airship soon arrived and the landing and the ramp began to descend revealing Ozpin and Glynda waiting for him, the rain was no more. The headmaster actually smiled when he saw him. The young man sighed in relief, he was finally back home

Ozpin: Welcome back, Y/N

Y/N: Thank you, sir- Ms. Goodwitch looked at all of his wounds and her gaze turned worried 

Glynda: We'll take you to the infirmary right away

The headmaster thanked the atlesian soldiers and they left while Ms. Goodwitch took him to the infirmary, where he spent a few hours thanks to his aura. Soon enough Ozpin himself entered the room and Y/N explained to him everything that had happened to him and was allowed to leave the place after another hour.

The tired boy made his way to his dorm, but before he knocked on the door he started to get nervous, what could he say to them after three days missing?

Y/N (In mind): Oh boy, they're gonna be pissed!!, *sigh* I should've told them earlier about- 

Yang: ...Y/N?- He turned around and saw the whole team RWBY at the hall, it seems like they just returned from an adventure

Y/N: Ummm... Hi, girls -They quickly rushed and hugged him tightly. He could feel they were truly worried about him and decided to hug back...Or at least try. This lasted for a while

Ruby: What happened?

Blake: Are you okay?

Weiss: We demand an explanation!

Ruby: Woah woah calm down girls, at least we should get in the dorm first!- They laughed nervously and walked inside the dorm, all of them taking a seat to listen to what their lost teammate had to say,  then they realized his clothes were scratched, some parts even burnt and also had dry blood stains

Weiss: Now, we demand answers!

Ruby: Calm down Weiss, just look at him!  He clearly has been through a lot, maybe we should let him rest and explain this to us tomorrow, right Y/N?- She turned her gaze towards him waiting for an answer, but he just sighed and looked at the ground briefly before facing his friends 

Y/N: Sorry if this sounds wrong, but... Why do you care so much about me?, we've been together for a very small amount of time- The girls looked at him confused, Weiss was a little bit offended and there was silence filling the room. After a while, Blake decided to speak first

Blake: As you said, we have only been with you for a while, but you have been so nice to us that it is hard to not be the same way with you- She tried her best not to blush or sound nervous with her answer.

Ruby: Yeah!, You've been like a big brother and a really awesome one! If someone messes with you, he will answer to us!- She said with childish anger, making the male chuckle in the answer.

Yang stepped in and started to talk as well- You are a really nice person, Y/N (not to mention handsome as hell). You may have gone through a lot in the past, but you sure can count on us

They all looked at Weiss, who sighed out loud while blushing but she did also open her heart to her friend

Weiss:...W-We are a team, we have to trust each other if we want to succeed, you are a really good asset to it and... And I really like you, Y/N I've known you for a while now, and you have become a person for whom I really care.

When she finished, everybody was still looking at her but surprised that she actually told him that.

Y/N: I...I...Thank you, girls, I really mean it. You want me to trust you, so I will

Blake: Why did you ask that?

Y/N: *sigh* you see girls, I have a REALLY bad luck when it comes to people I care about, you have been an amazing group of people, and the least I wanted was my past to come back and take you away from me- The girls blushed and couldn't help but smile when he said that, even Weiss

 Y/N: That's why I won't have more things to hide from you, They all took a seat when he asked them to because he was going to tell a story 

Y/N: You see... I had a sister, Ruby and Yang know a little about her. We were born in Mistral and spent a lot of time traveling from kingdom to kingdom and met a lot of people, but one thing stayed the same: We were always together, one time I even saved her from a Beowolf, with the help of a Huntsman who convinced me to become one.

Weiss: What was her name?

Y/N: Her name was Cinder, and she stayed with me even when things were not okay, or at least until...- His voice began to break, as he was reviving an old ghost

Yang: Until...?- Ruby hit her on the shoulder. She thought she was rude for asking

 That was until our parents died before our own eyes by mercenaries- They all were caught off-guard by this part, some gasps could be heard.

Yang: Y/N...

Y/N Smiled slightly again to them- Don't worry, I'm fine- He looked at her briefly and then back at the rest of the team to continue his story

Y/N: Cinder was taken away from me by those men, and I was left for dead, fortunately, I woke up in a hospital bed, I'm still not sure of how I got there in the first place, but a crow came by a few times I was there- He smiled once more, remembering the animal.

Blake: And then?- She really was into that story, something about it looked familiar to her

Y/N: I was desperate to know where they had my sister that I became blinded by rage, I managed to find the people who kidnapped her in the first place and I...

I ended their lives

I meet a lot of nice people along the way, but they were either killed or betrayed me. I lost my way girls, I really did, and I made things that I regret every single day of my life. I looked for a new beginning, tried to leave all of this behind once I came to Vale to start again.

 Everything seemed so nice back then, I met Jaune, Velvet, Weiss- At that part, he turned around to see her, she couldn't even pretend she was upset  anymore

Y/N: But that changed the moment a witch found me and bonded with me using a cursed necklace. Se wanted to use my semblance o overthrow someone named Salem, I don't know who she is, but she clearly wants me dead. 

The last three days I found allies in the least expected places, you could say I got lucky- He stopped briefly, remembering Hazel and the girl he saved from her sisters- But whatever it was, it's clearly not over girls, and I don't want you to get hurt because of this, but I won't stop until I find my sister

 The team was nearly in tears when he finished- Yang put her hand on his shoulder and wiped out her tears

Yang: Y/N...whatever may happen, we'll fight it together, you can count on it, we'll help you find her.- The boy turned around to see her and smiled shortly, before returning to a serious stare

Y/N:  I'm not the cheerful and goofy guy you girls first met, and I understand if you don't see me the same way anymore because of my past.

Ruby: We don't care- She said cheerfully, and recovering from that emotional moment

Y/N: You...You don't?-He was taken by surprise by this

Ruby: Nope

Weiss: We're really sorry to hear that but...

Blake: We know you're a good person, independently of your past, you have never declined the chance to help others even when that implies danger. We...- She turned to see Weiss briefly before turning back to him- Had a trust issue recently, you know?- He mentally facepalmed when he remembered what he said earlier about that

Y/N (In head): they did make a drama

Weiss: It was about Blake being...

Y/N: A cat Faunus?- They jumped in surprise, especially Blake

Blake: H-How did you-

Y/N: I saw your bow twitch a couple times...Also, that liking for tuna-They sighed and some even laughed nervously

Yang: what, where we the only ones who didn't know?- They shared a laugh before returning to the main subject

Weiss: What we meant before is that Blake made us promise that she would tell us if something happened before going on her own, that applies to you- He nodded and smiled again as an answer

Y/N: Fair enough- They all nodded in agreement and shared another hug, they really missed their friend

Ruby: Alright!, all settled then, it's great to have you back, Y/N- He chuckled and ruffled Ruby's hair slightly

Y/N: Thank you, Rubes. It really means a lot to me, here, let me express my gratitude by cooking you girls some food!- He returned to an energetic state 

Weiss: Wait, you know how to cook!?

Y/N: Yup!

Yang: Why you didn't tell us?

Y/N: You never asked- He shrugged while laughing and went to the kitchen.

The rest of the night was happy as usual with team RWBY, who was enjoying the young man's food a lot. He just looked at them having fun and thought to herself

Y/N: It's great to be back

After a while, team RWBY was long asleep, but as for Y/N, he couldn't believe the peace he was experiencing finally. He stood up and sneaked through the room, leaving it with ease.

With the time being so early and everyone being asleep, there was nobody to stop Y/N to access the rooftops and just be on the roof's edge, looking at the stars and the beautiful view that provided the school itself

(Back Home)

Y/N: Is...Is it finally over? Just like that? I've been through the White Fang, Salem's Wrath assassins and even my inner demon, but now I'm finally home I can't get used to it, what is wrong with me?

Yang: Well that's the problem with too much action, handsome- She walked from the doorstep to the edge of the room, beside him- You don't get to appreciate the moments of peace

Y/N: I...I think you're right, maybe I just need to enjoy my present- He regulated his breathing and his body began to relax as a result.

Yang: See? Now you're getting it- She leaned on his shoulder and snuggled a little, allowing them to be comfortable as they looked upon the stars

Y/N: I'm not even going to question how you got here in the first place, but I appreciate your company, Yang

Yang: Oh really? How so?- She looked at him with a smirk on her face

Y/N: Well, when I was captive, I kept thinking about you, it really helped to put up with everything.-This words turned her from flirty fo surprised

 Yang: R-Really? Why?- The boy turned his gaze towards her once more

 Y/N: Because you give me the hope I need to keep going - He cupped her cheek carefully and stared into her eyes, that had a beautiful glow with the moon's help 

Y/N: Ever since you helped me in that bar, my life recovered the sense it once had

Yang: N-No one has ever told me that...- The blonde woman was speechless from his words even after her best efforts to not be. Y/N chuckled and stood up 

Y/N: That's a shame- He then pulled her up with ease, surprising her and getting her closer to him, with one of his hands being on the back of her head and the other on her waist- You really are a wonderful person

Yang began to laugh nervously, for the first time of her life, she wasn't the one flirting, but she wasn't truly against what was happening

Yang: I thought you were into somebody else, y-you know, since every girl in the school seems to like you- she tried her best to regain her composure, but something was taking over her

Y/N: Yang, the only person I want to be with- He slid his hand from the back of her head to her cheek again- Is you

Yang: *sigh* screw it!- She grabbed Y/N closer to her and made their lips find each other as she put her hands around his neck, taking him by surprise

Y/N was indeed surprised by her actions, but soon enough kissed back as he put his hands on Yang's waist and deepened said kiss. He licked her lips asking for entrance and she gladly allowed him in and they began to fight for dominance, with Y/N coming on top after a while

They stopped when the need for air came in, but they kept staring into each other's eyes before smiling as well.

Yang: You know...I let you win- The boy laughed at this

Y/N: Of course you did- He then pulled her close again, into a tender embrace

Yang: So... Guess we're a thing now, huh?-He chuckled slightly

Y/N: Only if you agree- She kissed him on the cheek again and smirked

Yang: I'd love to~ *wink*

Y/N: So be it, darling- She giggled and grabbed his arm

Yang: Come on, you need to get some sleep

Y/N: I'll be right behind you- She nodded and walked inside once more, leaving alone to see the Shattered Moon briefly, he looked at it and smiled, finally embracing the end of his brief journey

"Welcome back to Beacon"

Thank you

Seriously guys, the feedback I've received for my first story of this kind has been overwhelmingly good and I can't thank you enough for that (Even some comments that were hilarious, I must add), you are indeed awesome people

Welp, Volume I is done. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. If you got any idea, want me to write another story or something else, feel free to write it down below, I'll try to not keep you waiting that long for Volume II, keep being awesome


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Killerxkiller12's avatar
It like dos animus