
My way

Deviation Actions

iron-spartan's avatar

Literature Text

(Overwatch: Pharah x Reader)

Pharah-background-12 by iron-spartan


Hey, Y/N! Look who just beat YOUR high score!

What!? No way you did that!

Well, I just did! Jealous?

Jealous? I couldn't be happier, sis!


Yeah, you sure are good at playing games, I'm proud of you

I...Thanks, I guess...I-I learned from the best

Oh, come here, sis!

Laughter could be heard, tender, yet energetic

S-Stop it! I-

Then, what began as a small sound grew louder and stronger, emergency alarms were going on like crazy, followed by gunfire and screaming


Y/N? W-What is going on?

I-I don't know sis, get behind me

Y/N, I'm s-scared. A-Are those...Omnics?

Don't worry, we'll be-





Your eyes opened as you woke up in a violent motion, breathing heavily and sweating as well. It turns out that the "alarms" were none other than your own clock showing 6:30 am, time to wake up

The alarm began its annoying assault on you, ensuring your awakening reluctantly.

You: Okay okay, I'm awake damn it!

You turned around and turned it off but it turned itself on again and continued to sound, making you growl in pain

???: Wakey wakey, Y/N- You turned around to face a certain Mexican girl who goes by the codename "Sombra", leaning at the doorstep

You glared at her and she noticed how you looked like if you were having the worst nightmare of all, acknowledging that it wasn't the right time for her usual jokes

Sombra: Woah, Y/N, y-you ok?

You: ...Doesn't matter, Sombra.

Sombra: B-But Y/N-

You: What is it?- You interrupted her, with the same angry tone 

Sombra: Your...Your skin, it is chalk-white again.

Your expression changed into a shocked one as you looked at your appearance and confirmed your friend's statement

You: *Sigh* Goddamnit

Sombra: We can talk about it if you want

You: I'm...I'm fine, Sombra- You tap something on your arm's device and your skin returned to its default color

Sombra: *Sigh* Si tú lo dices (If you say so), anyway, Gabe has a mission for us. He says it's really important

You: Huh, I'll better get going then, thanks- She nodded and left you to get yourself ready

You changed to your normal clothes: Black boots, brown cargo pants, and a gray shirt. You looked like a soldier in a casual outfit, to say the least

Then, you went to your bathroom and washed your face, looking at yourself in the mirror

You found a young person with (e/c) eyes, (h/c) (h/l) hair and a small scar on your upper lip.

As you looked at yourself, memories began to flow through your mind

You were a victim of the Omnic crisis at its last moments. Your sister was killed, but you weren't so lucky since you were taken for multiple cruel experiments to the point that your senses were weakened and even your skin lost its color

When the war was over, Talon decided to take you in and help you to improve your condition as much as they could, but it was Sombra who gave you an enhanced piece of technology that disguised your skin color to look normal again

Grateful for their help, you quickly escalated their ranks until you became one of its greatest operatives in just a matter of months.

The training was provided by the organization itself, but Gabriel Reyes, also known as Reaper, took you under his own wing and taught you most of what you knew.

However, you didn't stop there, since you were also skilled in stealth and electronics thanks to Widowmaker and Sombra, who had a certain interest to you due to the fact that she couldn't really find any information about you

Your skin's condition was one of the reasons why you received the nickname 'Noir' by your teammates, but you have been called worse before, so you didn't really mind

When you finished getting ready, you walked towards the briefing room alongside Sombra, coming across some other agents in the process and greeting them

Unlike your actual family, the Talon agents always had your back and took you like one of their own, so it was natural you did the same for them

Finally, you reached the briefing room where Reaper, as well as Widowmaker, were waiting for you

You: Good morning sir, Widowmaker- You greeted and they nodded, greeting back

You walked toward a table, getting ready for the information with Sombra not far behind

Sombra: I what's the mission you have for us?

Reaper: We need you to infiltrate into a facility and steal a prototype project for us

He turned his empty gaze toward the blue-skinned female and she approached the table, making a holographic display of said building appear

Widowmaker: The prototype is an experimental weapon you'll find it as project "M-405".

Sombra: Got it, anything else we should know?

Reaper: The place itself is heavily guarded, so stealth is not optional.

After saying that, he turned to the latina girl

Reaper: Sombra, go get ready, I need to talk to Y/N now- She reluctantly nodded and left you with them

Reyes then turned his gaze towards you and yet another hologram appeared, it showed a microchip with specifications all over it

Reaper: This chip is known for being able to control omnics with no effort at all

You: What, like one of those God programs?

Widowmaker: But on a minor scale. We know that one of the local gang leaders has it, a junker named Mason Brown that moved from Australia to lead this gang.

Then, an image of the man was shown. He looked quite younger than your average delinquent, but you'll need to remember that face later on

Reaper: Your mission is to extract that same chip, whatever it takes

You: Right...But where do I find him?

Widowmaker: Intelligence suggests that they will attack a nearby village, very close to that facility

You: Huh, that's convenient

Reaper: This assignment Is supposed to be a secret, so act natural

You: Got it

Reaper: Now get out of here, the clock's ticking

Without further do, you left the room, heading towards the armory to get your outfit and gear

Black dressing shoes, gray pants, a black vest covering a f/c shirt and a black tie, protected by a black blazer, oh, and a fedora

 The outfit was considered a classic, but with its own modern touches on it like a holographic eyepiece, a tactical display on your wrist, a belt with pouches for your various gadgets and light armor on the legs.

After you got your combat gear on, you proceeded to equip the weapons. Among them were a couple handguns, a stun baton and knives under the sleeves as last resort

You two left the base shortly after, in an airship piloted by fellow Talon agents, with Sombra being near you, she noticed you were quietly humming something and smirked

Sombra: Still singing that old song?

You: Hey, have some respect for the classics!- You turned around to face her taunting expression

Sombra: What did I expect from someone who dresses like a gangster- She snickered and you were about to say something but decided not to

You:...You got me there- She laughed at your responded and patted you on the back.

Despite the grim ambient of the organization, there was still room for some humor, you and Sombra were perfect examples of this. 

You two were known for being able to cooperate perfectly as a team and even hang out from time to time, and in secret, you also helped her with some "Conspiration" thing she had going on

It didn't take long for you to reach your destination

Pilot: Here we are, guys- You opened the platform to reveal an unusual scenery, a desert

You: Huh, I always wanted to go to Egypt

Sombra: Come on, let's go- She grabbed her gun and waited for you

You: Thanks!- You thanked the pilot, gaining a nod in response and you two jumped out of the airship, landing safely on the ground

Quickly, you ran to get cover and Sombra was next to you, looking at a bunch guards, turrets and a watchtower close to you

Sombra: I'll take the watchtower, you get the guards- You agreed before running to another cover

You quickly took out the one in front of you and then shoot at a box behind them, making the rest of them fall on the enemy

A guard noticed this and approached the scene only to be grabbed and killed easily from behind

Just as you finished, you saw the turrets disabled and a body falling from the watchtower and your partner landing safely. Sombra had finished her job

Sombra: Alright Noir, I've hacked their network, come with me

 She motioned as she ran towards a wall and waited for you

Sombra: We can climb it, there's an access right there- You positioned yourself and she got some distance before running towards you again

Just as she did, you gave her the impulse she needed to reach the wall. When she did, she extended a hand and helped you climb it while she gunned down a couple guards in the process

You saw an opening and sneaked in, after watching there was nobody near, you motioned Sombra to follow

You two got to a safe cover and your friend displayed the facility's map

Sombra: It says here that what we need for is on the vault, which is upstairs at the end of the hall right there- She pointed out and you saw a bridge hallway with a bunch of equipment below

You: *Sigh* Okay, take this-You handed her a small device before using another one yourself. The device made you invisible by touching it. You activated your holographic earpiece and saw her silhouette and moved on

The mission was going very good and you advanced through the facility without any problem while you planted bombs on strategic parts to make it fall down entirely. You two quickly dispatched anybody that might get in your way.

However, Sombra was getting overconfident about it, as usual

Sombra: Really Y/N, we could steal their whole base and they wouldn't even notice!

You: Focus, Sombra, we don't want it to end like last time, do we?

Sombra: Last time was fun!

You: For you, I got shot in the damn shoulder like 6 times!

Sombra: Oh vamos! (Come on) don't be such a crybaby!- She laughed and saw the end of the halwa, with the room you were searching not too far away

You: *Sigh* Anyway, do you see it?

Sombra: The last one to arrive pays the next round!!

You: Sombra, wait!

Sombra: Intenta atraparme! (Try to catch me)- She ran from you, until she accidentally bumped into a scientist, in shock by what just happened

You: Goddammit, we were doing so well!!- You caught up almost immediately

Scientist: Huh!? Is somebody there?- You remained completely quiet, hoping that he would just walk away, and it was working...Until a guard quickly approached from behind and stood in front of the scientist

Soldier: Oh hell no!!- He pointed his gun in front of him and you quickly put Sombra behind you, taking the shot for her

As soon as you felt the piercing pain on your shoulder, you fell to the ground and your equipment malfunctioned, revealing yourself to them and shocking everybody in the process

Sombra: Y/N!!

You: Fuck!- Before they could even react, you fired at them, killing them right away

At the same time, the alarm went off and you could already hear reinforcements coming your way

Sombra helped you up as fast as she could and with her assistance, you began to run towards the room

While you made your way to the room, you noticed the enemy was closing in, so you took a device from Sombra and quickly tossed it to the other side. she took the chance and teleported you two there, getting in just in time.

She put you down, resting your head in a box nearby and kneeled down to you with a panicked expression

Sombra: Mierda! Y/N lo lamento, yo- (Shit! Y/N I'm sorry, I-)

You: THE DOOR!!- You growled and pointed at it while she quickly sealed it, giving you some time- Just as she did so, the lights went down as well

You: Great, now we're trapped here

Sombra: Y/N I-I'm sorry I didn't look at...What are you doing?- She got distracted by your actions since she saw you taking out your knife from under your sleeve

You: W-What does it look like?- You dug the knife deeper into your shoulder, letting out a few pained groans. You were very resistant to pain, but you had your limits

Sombra just stared in shock at your own stubbornness as you managed to get the bullet out from your shoulder and quickly cover it up with a handkerchief you had on your suit

Sombra: Okay, that was badass as hell, but are you okay?- She helped you up and you walked past her

You: You owe me another suit you know *Sigh* ...Let's just finish this- She got a saddened expression on her face, acknowledging the fact that it was indeed, her fault

Sombra: Right... The prototype should be over here, follow me- She began to inspect the crates and machines that housed the now disabled room.

It didn't look you long to finally find a crate with the codename " M-405 ", which was fortunate because sounds could be heard from outside as well. You were going to have company soon enough

Sombra: Well, here it is

You: And how are we going to take that whole crate with us? We can't even open it!

Sombra: Don't worry, we'll come up with something. You check that hall, I'll check the other- She motioned you to move and you did so, looking for something useful

Upon inspecting the room, you saw an airship, old by its look but better than nothing

You: Hey Sombra, you think you can use that?- She rushed to your location and her eyes widened by what she was seeing

Sombra: Y/N no

You: Y/N yes!


A very big number of soldiers were behind the doors, with various machines behind them to aid them. Some of them were drilling their way in

However, that was interrupted when an airship randomly burst through the facility's walls with the crate stored in it, running away from the enemy, who immediately started to open fire at them

Inside, were the two Talon agents, who were doing their best not to crash by the ship's instability

Sombra: You're insane!!

You: Hey, it worked, didn't it?

Sombra: No argument there, quick, to the turrets!- You nodded and began to operate the airship's guns, giving you a fighting chance

As you tore through the enemy's forces, you were laughing like a madman, evidently having a very good time

Sombra: Does this compensate for the wound?- She yelled from her seat

You: Only if you give me more targets!!

Sombra: You got it- She smirked and gave a sharp turn to reach another part of the facility

You kept destroying everything in your path until you reached a giant door. you tried shooting it but it had no effect

You: Sombra, it's shielded!!

Sombra: What do you suggest?- You pressed a few buttons and a platform opened

You: Wait for my signal, don't die- You announced before you jumped down of the airship, landing on a platform

Without wasting any time, you focused deeply on your surroundings and everything turned black and white suddenly

You discovered that the shield was generated by a small station with a turret and amplified by towers located next to each other

Within seconds, you were planning every single move you were going to do in order to eliminate the outposts and not die in the process

That ability of yours was often referred to as "Checkmate" Due to it being usually your way to  win any match easily

You: *Sigh* Alright, let's dance

Then, you rushed towards the station with your handgun and killed a strategical amount of soldiers, giving you time to slide and get cover behind some boxes

You counted up to 5 before quickly throwing a bunch of metallic spheres that detonated and took out not only a bunch of soldiers but also left the turret gun useless.

A man came out of the turret and began his assault on you. You avoided most of his attacks and gained the upper hand by shooting him in the foot, then kneeing his chin and finally kicking him back to the turret gun

You threw another sphere that expanded and stuck him onto the gun while you just ran away and jumped off the platform to land in one of the towers.

As you made your way through each one, you were leaving behind your explosives and beating down any opposition along the way with little to no effort

Once you were on the last tower, you jumped down and used someone to soften the fall, stabbing him on the process

You: Done!- You ran to the end of the bridge you were at and jumped down of it just as the ship caught you

Sombra: Now what?

You: Go to the door, I got this!- She nodded and turned the ship around

When you were approaching it, you detonated each bomb you left, causing a great damage to the installation itself and without harming the airship you were in.

You grabbed the turret and began firing at the door long enough for the ship to escape through it

Both Sombra and you cheered at your success and seeing how the building collapsed as you left it just in time

Unfortunately, the ship needed to recharge energy, so she landed it safely outside

You stepped outside and sat on top of it, admiring the view, until your partner sat next to you

Sombra: Hey Y/N, I...I'm sorry, I got a little too carried away there- She confessed and looked down in shame and a little nervous as well

You were mad you got shot again, but it was part of the job, wasn't it? It wouldn't make sense for you to hold that grudge for long

And so, you showed her a reassuring smile as you suggested:

You: Just be more careful next time, ok?- Your attitude made her relax a little, happy for not screwing up the partnership you had

Sombra: Ok, thank you, amigo (friend)

You: No problem

You two kept talking until you spotted smoke, and it wasn't from your actions

Sombra handed you a pair of binoculars and you saw a small explosion occurred in a village nearby

You (In mind): It's them.- You got a sudden change of attitude, and Sombra noticed this

Sombra: Y/N, everything okay?...

You: I need to go there

Sombra: What? Why?- You simply showed her your signature smirk and she understood right away

Sombra: *Sigh* I know there's no stopping you so...Be careful, ok? I'll come up with something to say to Gabe

You: Mind giving me a ride?

Sombra: You got it- She grinned and you two got inside the ship once more

You: Thanks, you're the best- You gave her a thumbs up and she giggled about it

Sombra: Don't ever doubt it- You chuckled and you two got the airship towards the direction the explosion took place

She dropped you on top of a building in the village and left you to your own business, but what you were seeing wasn't what you were expecting

Omnics were massacring humans left and right, and in the middle of the attackers, were a bunch of raiders. You eagerly took out your handguns and were going to attack them right there, but another voice, a younger one, was heard close to you


Someone screamed in Egyptian, you were able to translate it with another one of your gadgets. You groaned in annoyance at the voice and tried to ignore it

However, when you heard it again you used your eyepiece to scan that location where the voice came from and was surprised to see a little girl surrounded by multiple attackers

You groaned about you were about to do and jumped down the building. When you stood back up, you confirmed what you saw

You: Not on my watch, you rats

 You pulled the trigger and quickly opened fire on the aggressors, earning their attention before throwing them an EMP device that stunned the omnics temporarily and made the humans struggle with their equipment as well

Taking the chance, you grabbed the girl as you ran to a cover nearby, a partially destroyed wall

You: You okay, kid?

You looked at the little brunette in front of you, with tears flowing from her small blue eyes as she pointed at her legs, that had suffered great damage

You (In mind): Well, shit

You did your best to attend her wounds with what you had at your disposal, but that was until the omnics continued their attack. You motioned her to stay down and you tossed them more of your traps, small flash grenades that affected both humans and omnics' visuals.

Immediately after that, you ran towards them and began ripping them apart with your stun batton, saving as much ammo as you could

You punched one of them in the stomach and then smacked him across the room with the baton, other tried to shoot you but you docked and he killed his own ally

Next, you hit the foe on the chin using your knee and then threw him to the others before tossing them a small grenade and then swept another one's legs and shooting him in the head. They were clearly not trained enough for you

One of the omnics surprised you from behind but you grabbed it and threw it in front of you, using it as a shield for the incoming bullets. You kicked it aside and threw a knife at someone's head taking him by surprise, finishing the fight with ease

Once your assault on them concluded, you were the only one standing, looking down at one of the human aggressors with terror in his eyes

Man: N-No p-please mercy!- You leaned down to meet his height with a stern look on your face

You: Were you gonna spare her?

Man: Y-Yes!! I s-swear!!- His agitated tone told you everything, with a grin you scared him even more

You: Liar- The man was about to scream but was interrupted by a knife slicing his neck

Then, you stood up and stared at the human enemy corpses bitterly, with noticeable anger on you as you cleaned your tool

You: Despicable, a child, really?

At that moment you remembered something and turned around at where you ordered her to stay

You: It's ok, you can come out now

After a little moment of silence, the kid came out of hiding, with the extra bandages you had covering her wounds. She tried to walk but fell down

You rushed to her side and helped her up again. You had done a lot of things you weren't proud of in the past, but if there was something you wouldn't stand for was a child getting killed in the crossfire

You: Wow! Take it easy there, are you okay?- You looked down on her, but only to meet her confused expression

You: Right, here you go- You gave her a small earpiece and told her to put it on

She nervously obeyed and put the earpiece

You: Do you understand me now?- Her eyes widened and she nodded

You: Sweet, what is your name?


You: Neith? That's a nice name, you can call me Y/N- She giggled at this, your attempts to ease the tension were succeeding

You looked around and saw there was nothing you could help the little girl with, so you looked down on her yet again

You: Alright, obviously you're not okay, I'm gonna get you out of here

Girl: H-How? I-I can't walk- She sobbed and you came up with an idea

You: Here, get on my back, You helped her and she grabbed softly to you. She wasn't that heavy so it wasn't much of a problem

You were starting to walk away from away from the place when more enemies rushed to meet you, aiming their weapons at both of you

You: Great, can this get worse?

Then, a bunch of rockets exploded on top of the place, as if someone was starting a barrage on it

The enemies were quickly dealt with, but a part of the roof fell down on you two, you managed to get Neith away but fell under that debris as a result

Neith: Y/N!!- She rushed to your side and tried to get as many debris from you as she could

You: I'm f-fine- You growled and managed to get the pieces of the roof away from you, but remained on the ground

Once you were free from that, your anger overcame you and you turned around to face a worried Neith

You: Cover your ears, kid!- At first, she was confused, but did it anyway and turned around as well, allowing you to curse freely

You: SON OF A BICH!!- Once the anger was out of our system, you stood up and looked at the cause of the attack only to be surprised

In front of you, was an Egyptian woman, wearing a blue armor with a rocket launcher

You loved what you were seeing, and you hated it

However, the moment had concluded when she landed and aimed her gun at you

???: Get away from her!- She ordered as you regained your composure

Neith: P-Please stop! This person saved me!

She was surprised when the girl said that, but she then looked at you

???: Is that true?

You: Until you arrived, yeah

You walked up to the little girl and picked her up again. The woman sighed and lowered her gun in response

Neith: D-Don't hurt them! m-Miss!- She pleaded at the woman and she leaned down on her, putting her hand on her head softly

???: Don't worry little one, I believe you

Neith: T-Thank you!!- The girl lightened up by this and so did the woman, it was not hard when the child was around

She looked at you again, with those sweet brown eyes of hers

???: Are you okay?

You were mad at her actions but you couldn't just straight up insult her, she had just saved you two after all

You (In mind): Just focus on the damn mission, me

You: We could be better, as you can see, she can't walk, for now, she's wounded- Yo motioned towards the girl, who noticed the wound on your shoulder from earlier

Neith: Y/N! Y-Your shoulder!- She tapped you on your leg slightly, pointing at said wound

You: Huh? Oh, that doesn't matter, I'm ok

The girl reluctantly nodded and released you, the woman, on the other hand, was observing you

However, her reckless attack on the building made the rest of the gang appear on the scene, quickly outnumbering you

You smirked at this and lowered your weapons, much to the lady's surprise

Pharah: What are you doing? We can take them!- She announced while aiming her missile launcher at the enemy

You: Listen to me! If we let them capture us, they will take us to their base, where we can end the whole gang from there

She didn't seem convinced enough from your answer since she stood her ground

You: Look, lady-

???: Pharah

You: *Sigh* Look, Pharah, if we deal with this gang right now, we'll avoid hundreds of deaths from bystanders. Don't you wish to protect them?

Her eyes widened by your argument, protecting people was something she had sworn to do a long time ago

Pharah: I...I haven't considered it before, well thought- She complimented you and pulled down her weapon and so did you as the mercenaries surrounded you

Mercenary: Put your hands up!- You obeyed to avoid any unnecessary conflict

Among the enemies, came a young woman with black hair shifting to green at the end, brown eyes and using some kind of punk outfit

You recognized she was the leader of the operation, but she caught you staring and smirked at this

Woman: You like what you see, darling?~ She asked with a wink, realizing what she meant, you looked away with a disgusted expression...And a blush

Pharah: What do you want, woman?

Her tone denoted anger, much to her amusement. Despite being surrounded, you managed to scan Pharah through your tactical display on your arm without anybody noticing

???: Touched a nerve there, huh? The name's Emily, careful how you talk to me sweetie, I could get you killed right here, right now, isn't that right, boys?

She looked at the crowd behind her and they cheered at their leader's behavior, making it more difficult for  Pharah to hold back and just beat them down

Pharah: I doubt you could take me down- this smug common caught her attention

Emily: What did you say?

You: What she meant was that it would not be a good idea to kill her here.- You responded for Pharah in order to ease the tension between them

Emily: Huh? And why is that, hon?

Just in time, the scan had concluded and displayed information about her in a way only you could see

You: Because, she works for Helix, one of the toughest companies, not to mention advanced. Think about it, is it worth that much trouble?

She seemed to consider what you said. Helix Security International was not to be taken lightly at all. However, Pharah herself seemed shocked by the information you said about her since it was mostly classified

Emily: And what about you, what keeps me from killing you?

You: I just want an audience with a man called Mason Brown, sounds familiar to you?- The gang's expression turned into surprised ones by how much you actually knew about them

Emily: W-What do you want with him?

You: Relax, I just want to talk to him

Emily: Why should I believe you?

You: Because if I wanted to kill you, I would've done so, look around you- She did and found all of her forces disabled by your hands, then looked back at you

Emily:...You're good at this, you know?- She admitted teasingly, regaining her composure before turning towards her men

Emily: Alright, we're taking them with us

The mercenaries began to lurk closer and the next thing you felt was a sudden hit at the back of your head, making everything go dark as your body fell down

When you opened your eyes again, you were being taken into a warehouse by those mercenaries. You noticed that Pharah and Neith were nowhere to be seen. But instead of searching for them, you memorized as much of the place as you could while pretending to be still unconscious to avoid detection

Your eyes widened a little when you found a room that was coated with advanced technology, much more advanced than what you were expecting from these mercenaries. Then, their true nature emerged when you were dragged past a bunch of prison cells, containing everything, from innocent people to well-trained soldiers, imprisoned and tortured mercilessly. 

On top of that was a bridge with a lever connecting to all the cells, you sure will use that later. Then, you stopped when you reached a certain part of the facility. Emily got in front of you and leaned down to see if you were still conscious

You were quite skilled at acting, even fooling the best of detectives, so fooling Emily wasn't difficult at all. She ordered a couple mercenaries carry you along with her leading the way into an office, where they left you with her to "Wake up"

The guards let you lean down against a wall, and the girl took advantage of it by getting in front of you with a grin on her face

Emily: Wakey wakey, hon...Oh, I see! you need one of those kisses to wake up, you should've just asked!

You immediately woke up, trying to make it look as natural as possible, not because you didn't want a kiss but...Well, you really didn't one from her

You saw her frustration at this, but she shrugged it off when she remembered why you two were there in the first place

Emily: Get up, we're outside of his office

You: Office?

Emily: Yes, he is more organized than what you think

You: I'll be the judge of that- You said while opened the door to see an actual office, unlike what you were expecting

The office looked like that one of a mafia crime lord, with paintings on the walls, elegant rugs decorating a wooden floor, a rotating chair with a desk and a computer on top of it with bookshelves behind it and it even had a chandelier

It was a shame you were going to destroy the place, you really liked that room

The chair rotated in your direction, and the man sitting on it looked almost nothing like the one you were told. Mason Brown did dressed just as elegant as the rest of his warehouse but was definitely older than what Intel suggested.

Man: So you're the man that wanted to talk to me, take a seat- He motioned at one of the chairs in front of the desk

You entered the room and sat in one of them, then noticed that the door behind you was closed

Mason: The famous criminal Noir is right in front of me, well, this ain't something you see everyday!!

You: Ummm... Yeah, that's me

Mason: I'm honored, but this isn't like your usual routes, is it?

You: No, it isn't, but one has to work with what he has

Mason: You got that right, care for a drink?- His proposal instinctively made you grin. That was the best offer someone had made you in all day, and it came from the least expected person

You: I'd love one, thanks- He nodded and got out a jar containing beer and began to fill two glasses with it

You: Not to sound rude or anything, but you seem to be really calm about your men's actions

Mason: Why wouldn't I? They're efficient at their best- He handed you the glass and you took a drink from it. It tasted better than anything you had tasted before

You: They were annihilating an entire village

Mason: And?

You: And they were about to kill a damn child

His eyes widened as he almost spilled out his drink when you said that, gaining our curiosity

You: Huh, so you are not aware of what your men are doing?

Mason: they were sent to retrieve something! I can tolerate a few casualties from the villagers but a damn child!? That's not how we do things around here! Not even those omnics!

You: Omnics? How did you get them to do your work?- You casually asked, pretending not to already know what he was going to answer

Mason: Why would I tell you?

You: Well, it's not like I can just get out of here if I wanted

Mason: Huh, good point... Well, you see, mate, I came across something reaaally nice, a little chip that gives me absolute power over those machines...Most of the time

You: Really? Do you control them with a small chip? That sounds unusual

Mason: Wanna know the craziest thing about it?

You: Shoot

Mason: I got it right under my neck! Here- He showed you a bunch of worn out bandages covering something on his neck, confirming the theory

You: You what!?- You couldn't even fake an emotion there, you were not expecting anyone to go that far to protect that chip

Mason: I know, crazy, right? I have this bad boy with me at all time to avoid anybody that wants to take it for themselves

You didn't know what to answer, making him laugh out loud at this and then patting your shoulder

You (In mind): these junker guys are really messed up

Mason: Hey, this kind of sacrifices are needed to ensure their safety and our power

You: Y-Yeah, well thought- He smiled and then stood up from his seat when his communicator began to sound

Mason: Yeah? What is it?... Really? I see, on my way, then, yeah, goodbye

The man then pressed a button and the door opened, showing Emily behind the doorstep

Mason: Welp, sorry mate, your time's over.

Then he pointed at his minion

Mason: Emily here, will show you the way to your new "room"

You: Right...- And so, you walked out of the room with a smile

The girl did guide you through the facility and noticed your grin.

Emily: He's a nice guy, right?

You: What? Oh, right, he is

As it was easy to guess, the reason for your smile was not the man at all, but because he told you his biggest secret so easily that you could already be planning your way out of the place

You (In mind): This is already going better than expected

Emily: We're here- She pointed towards a big door with guards at each side

You: And this?

Emily: It's the "VIP" Zone, you should be honored, he doesn't give it to anyone

You: Wow, I'm flattered- You announced with notable sarcasm, much to the girl's delight

You returned to your area and saw only Pharah and Neith were there. It was really intriguing for them to be the only ones there, but for some reason, you felt relieved when you saw them safe

Neith was sitting around a small campfire, really scared because of her current situation. Pharah, on the other hand, was at the edge of the place, looking up at the stars above her, probably unaware of Neith's fear

You noticed Pharah didn't have her armor with her, but her black undersuit instead, and since you didn't have most of your equipment either, it was safe to assume they had stored it somewhere else

You walked towards the child's side and patted her shoulder, making her jump back in surprise a little

Neith: Y/N!-She hugged you tightly, you could say she did miss you

You: Hey, kiddo, you scared?- She nodded nervously, confirming the obvious and gaining a smirk from you

You: Not if I can help it- You leaned down and picked her up in your arms playfully, making her laugh.

This caught Pharah's attention, who turned around and couldn't help but smile at the relationship you had developed with the girl

You: Wanna hear a song, little one?

Neith: P-Please

You: alright, you'll have the honor of hearing the best song ever, of all time...Or at least for me

She giggled at your attitude. Despite everything that was going on, she looked at you as someone she could trust. Since she first saw you, you had shown nothing but kindness towards her, mostly because you hate watching bystander children suffer

You cleared your throat and closed your eyes, ready for the opportunity you had always wanted: To sing your song

You began humming the rhythm for inspiration as you moved gently from side to side, trying to get the girl to sleep.


"...I've lived a life that's full

I've traveled each and every highway

But more, much more than this

I did it my way"


You found it enjoyable since it was one of the things you loved the most back then when you had a small sister with you. Using those memories as inspiration, you looked at her small eyes and sang tenderly:


"Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption"


Your plans were working thanks to your soothing movement and your voice, the girl was slowly falling asleep in your arms. Watching the result of your actions, you decided to sing her one last part, just for the sake of it


"I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way "


You let her head lean down and rest on your chest. She fell asleep in no time, so you took her to the only bed there was in the room and let her sleep a little

Slowly after that, Pharah herself approached you, with a tender smile you had never seen from her, no matter how much time you two actually spent together

Pharah: That was really sweet of you, Y/N- You turned around, facing her with a surprised expression

You: How do you know my name?- Her eyes widened in surprise and you could say you saw her blush a little, but you couldn't really

Pharah: I'm sorry! I-I don't know If I can even call you like that- You found her embarrassed attitude towards the topic cute for some reason, so it was natural you smiled about it

You: It's ok, you can call me Y/N

Pharah: Thank you- You nodded at her but noticed her smiled slowly fade when she walked away from the bed and asked you to follow her

You: Is there something wrong?

Pharah: there is something that worries me, how did you know about where I work?- You got surprised when she brought that up

You: Well...I was on a mission back there, but I was told that someone from your unit might show up, so I had to be well informed, you know

She looked at you for a few more seconds and then regained her slight smile. She bought it

Pharah: It's understandable...So, may I ask what was your mission?

You: It was to destroy a small chip, that is said to be too dangerous to allow its existence- Her gaze towards you changed yet again, apparently, that was something she knew about

Pharah: Well, it appears that we were sent for the same mission

You: Huh, what are the odds- You said jokingly, then an alibi came to your mind, one that would get her on your side to escape the warehouse.

You looked towards her with a serious expression, intriguing her

You: Pharah, I was in the leader's office, talking to him and I got some information about the chip itself

Pharah: really? What was it?

You: It was destroyed by the gang itself, and instead use it to power up this base's various functions

Pharah: Are you serious about this?- You nodded slowly about it

You: Yeah, it seems they found it more useful that way

Pharah: Then we must destroy the base as well

You: Wait, there are innocent people in here!

Pharah: You are right about that

You: Fortunately for us, I got a plan, so listen carefully- You leaned in closer and whispered the plans to her, ensuring no one else would notice what you two were going to do

You two spend a few hours perfecting the details of your escape, freeing the inmates and destroying the base in the process.

Interestingly enough, when you were done, you couldn't sleep, so you two sat on the corner, watching the stars and talking for a little longer, trying to kill time by knowing each other better, since you two were going to be partners in that place, the least you could do was getting along

Even if it wasn't your mission to destroy the chip, you still had to retrieve it without Pharah's attention, and for that, you had to gain her trust

Fortunately (Or unfortunately) for you, her company was actually a pretty enjoyable one, especially when you compared her to your partners back at Talon. You two were enjoying each other's company, maybe a little too much

It turns out, that inside that fierce rocked launching, armored soldier, was a kind woman, that had barely any time for showing her humanity, but that was happy to do so

An example of this was when she told you about how she wanted to work for Overwatch, the agency whose remains yours had been trying to destroy for a long time. For the first time ever, you found it difficult to pretend with somebody.

But it was just a matter of time before her own curiosity got the best of her

Pharah: Y/N?

You: Yeah?

Pharah: Neith told me about how you saved her from a certain death, but by what you told me about that your agency is too strict about completing its missions, you could've just ignored her and finish yours.

You: Where are you going with this?- Your smile was running the danger of disappearing, as fear was crawling its way into your soul

Pharah: Why didn't you put your mission first? Don't misunderstand me, I just want to know

You: I...I wasn't just going to let a child die for a gang's doing

Pharah: Well, you do seem to care for her

You: It's because I want to show her that there are still good people, even in the worst of times

You were talking to her to the point that you weren't even faking a single emotion that you experienced, well, except the one that you got when you were with her

Pharah: So that she ends up being like you?

You: So that she doesn't- You deactivated your disguise and showed her your skin

She stared at you with visible confusion within her. She was trying to understand you, but you were done playing the actor, so you just went ahead with it

You: Some of us play the bad guy, but not for the fun of it, but because we're forced to

Pharah: Y/N...

You: *sigh* Pharah, I must admit that I'm not the saint that you believe me to be, I have done a LOT of things I am not proud of, but I ain't no devil either, I still have some kind of humanity lying deep inside, but not everybody gets to see it, just the right people-

The next thing you knew was that you were caught in her embrace, with her head buried on your shoulder. Much to your surprise and embarrassment, but you did nothing to oppose it either

Pharah: *Sigh* I... I used to be like that as well, always putting the mission before my teammates' well being, and that mistake too many of them away from me. I don't want to sound too dramatic, Y/N, but I do not wish to lose you too.

You:...Damn, y-you're good, Pharah- You admitted jokingly, trying to cover certain emotions

Pharah: You can stop pretending now, Y/N

Those words

Those words broke the whole act in front of you, did she knew you were acting it all? Did she know did you were just shielding that soul of yours? Or was it that she was also trying to hide it as well?

It was so confusing that you just dug deeper into the hug, and even the eyes were giving up on you

Nobody has ever told you that before, and you two had only met for one day, but you already knew each other enough

Pharah: Y/N, I will protect you, even from yourself If I must

You:...Promise it

Your heart, not your mind, spoke

Pharah: I do, I promise it

You returned the embrace shortly after, with a moment of silence filling the room, slow yet perfectly executed

You (In mind): This has been the most calm I've had in years... and I don't deserve it, do I?


Neith: Awww! So cute!

The voice of the little girl made both of you nervously turn around to see the smiling little girl appreciating the moment as much as you two did

You quickly broke the hug when you saw the girl was pretty much awake and watching you from her bed

Pharah: N-Neith! You were supposed to be asleep!

Neith: And I was! B-But then I hear your voices and when I saw the moment going on I-I

You: S-Stop, w-we get it- That moment was not just awkward for you, but for everybody as well

Pharah: Perhaps it would be good if we all got some rest, r-right?

You: Yeah, good night girls

Pharah/ Neith: Good night, Y/N

The little child was the first to fall asleep, while Pharah slept leaning on a wall, You were always the last person standing when it came to sleeping, so you could see the night sky more time. However, when you turned around to see Pharah, you saw she was quite uncomfortable

Realizing what she needed, you walked towards her and gave her your blazer, which she kindly received.

You smiled and turned around to sleep somewhere else when you were stopped by her hand and ended up next to her

Whether this was her own doing or her subconsciousness's act, you decided to ignore it and slept beside Pharah

After all, how many nights like this would you have when you come back?

The next day came rather quickly, and you woke up to the sound Pharah herself, trying to get you to wake up

Pharah: Y/N!, It is time!- She quietly whispered into your ear

You: Alright, alright, I'm awake, let's do this

She nodded and you slowly stood up and walked towards the guard at the end of the door. You took out a pack of ketchup you were given from last night's dinner and spread it over a small portion of your shirt making it look like an actual wound under the cloth

You decolored your skin a little and weakly approached the guards and began the act

You: H-Help, please...

Guard: Good try but-Oh God! Open the gate!- The other guard obeyed and allowed you to step out, only to fall down shortly after

Guard: Here, I got you- The mercenary helped you up but didn't notice you actually took out a knife from their pocket

You finished them both quick, yet efficiently and left the door open for Pharah as well, closing it once she was out and returning your appearance to normal

You two grabbed the guard's rifles and equipment. That would have to do it for now

You: remember, we'll get back for Neith when it's safe for her to come out

She nodded and you gave her a small earpiece that you had hidden a while ago

Pharah: Very well, we are in this together

You: And we will succeed

She showed a confident smirk before she headed downstairs while you sneaked your way towards one of the access panels and managed to hack it with those lessons you got from Sombra

You: Alright Pharah, I hacked into their system, I can guide you through-She smiled at the news and confessed to you:

Pharah: I'm impressed, Y/N. You are talented in this

You: That's not all I can do

You answered teasingly, joking and flirting with her a the same time

You: Anyway, I located where they got your armor

Pharah: I'm listening

You: At the end of the hall, to the left and then upstairs, first room

Pharah: Thanks, I will not waste this opportunity

She ran in the directions you instructed her and found the room's entrance in no time, but when she did, the door but it closed right in front of her. She reached out for her communicator and informed:

Pharah: I can't access it!

You: Don't worry, I've got this

You hacked into their network with ease and opened the second armory for Pharah, who gave you a smile as thanks

As you allowed her to get her suit back while you were attending your own part of the situation.

You headed towards the second armory and got your outfit, along with your equipment back

You: Ah, it feels good to be back!

Pharah: I got the armor, Raptora systems online.

You: Great, just wait for the signal as we agreed

Pharah: Understood.

However, as soon as you stepped out of the room, the tactical display on your arm activated itself and showed your boss, a person whose mask you almost forgot about in the middle of everything that was going on currently

Reaper: Noir, How is the mission going?

You: Just fine boss, a Helix Security International girl showed up but I'm teaming up with her to destroy the whole base

Reaper: Not all of it

His unexpected comment prevented you from moving

You: What? Why not?

Reaper: We have found someone inside the base that has talents we will need later on, take her out with you

You: *Sigh* fine, what's her name?

Reaper: Emily Alton- Your eyes widened in shock by this horrible coincidence

You (In mind): You GOT to be kidding me- Your boss noticed your expression and his head tilted to the side

Reaper: Are you okay?

You: Y-Yeah, I just...Doesn't matter. Anyway, I'll bring her along too, sir

Reaper: Good luck

With that. the call was finished and the same girl you were ordered to take with you showed up with a rifle in her hands, aimed at you

Emily: Hey!! The hell are you doing outside!? Instead of answering her, you shoot her, failing on purpose and running away

Emily: Hey, come back!- She chased you until you reached the bridge that was above the cells

Emily: End of the line, dear

She aimed at you with her guns, much to your delight

Emily: Now, who were you talking to!?

You: Oh you know, just talking with my boss, you may know him as The Reaper

You explained dramatically. If you were going to bring her in, then you were at least going to have fun while doing so

Emily: Y-You work for Talon!?- She lowered her gun and you immediately took the chance to kick it away from her and then aim your handgun at her

The girl didn't say a word but instead raised up her hands in surrender, her attempts to stop you had failed

You: What? Too scared to talk? I wonder where did all that act of yours went

She seemed to be angry at you, but she still had some fear within her, as she didn't answer that

Emily: ...A-And what are you going to do now?

You: Easy, blow up this place and leave it and everyone inside it to root

Emily: What!?

You:...But, this is your lucky day, my boss seems to be in need of your talents, so I'll let you come with me

Emily: ...Y-You serious?

You: Well, either you join, or you die with the rest of them, your choice, "hon"

Emily: Okay okay, I'll join you!

You: Smart girl, hide where nobody can see you and only come out until you see red smoke in the distance, got it?

Emily: Y-You're fucking insane

You: I'm not the one who imprisoned and tortured a lot of innocent people-wait, do you hear that? It sounded like revenge to me

Emily: W-What?

You: Let's try that again- You grinned and pulled down a lever next to you, the one that opened every cell in the compound

Seconds after that, the place was slowly filling itself with battle cries, screams, and even gunfire. It was anarchy at it's best

You: What about now? You hear it?

Then, Pharah herself came in and began to attack the facility's most prominent outposts, getting rid of their chances to fight back

You: If I were you, I'd find somewhere safe to hide. Now

You turned around, leaving a shocked Emily behind and rushed to Pharah's side

Pharah: Okay Y/N, let us fight as one

You: You got it

You got out your rifle and gunned down as many foes as you could, while Pharah took most of the aerial Defenses. You two were fighting together as if it was something you did very regularly

She got down to the ground, standing back to back with you

Pharah: You saved some for me?

You: There's enough for the two of us, you know- she laughed, she actually laughed at something

And it was amazing

But then reality came back and many mercenaries tried to attack you, but couldn't even get near you nor Pharah.

One of you was hard to take down, but two? That was just impossible, and even more so without Emily to guide them through their defenses

Watching how the Egyptian lady and you wiped out most of the armed foes gave the prisoners hope to fight as well, adding to your forces by a lot to the point that it was too much for the enemy to hold

But then reality came back and many mercenaries tried to attack you, but couldn't even get near you nor Pharah. One of you was hard to take down, but two? That was just impossible, and even more so without Emily to guide them through their defenses

Seeing as you had almost finished your mission, you looked at each other with satisfaction noticeable, that was until you remembered something

You: We're not done yet, dear. Go get Neith, I'll take care of their leader

Pharah: Did you just called me-

You: J-Just get the kid!

She nodded and flew away, and you rushed towards the center of the place

You kept gunning down any opposition until your rifle ran out of ammo, so you got your trusty handguns and finished the work with ease.

It was fun for you to use them since it was a test for your accuracy and this time, you wasted almost only one bullet for each enemy without stopping to aim that much

You (In mind): Just like that Wick guy, huh? No?...*Sigh* One can dream

You reached Mason's office and kicked it open, scaring the man inside it

Mason: H-How did you broke free!?

You: Oh come on! You thought you could just hold me down?

Mason: B-But I subdued you!

You: That was just to get to your little base, and you just fell for it

He quickly got his pistol from under his desk and you smirked at this

You: Don't think so, Mason

You shoot the gun out of his hand and shoot his legs as well, preventing him from any escape

Then, as if that was not enough, you threw one of your knives towards him, nailing his hand to the wall as he screamed in pain

Mason: W-Was that necessary!?

You: Yeah, it makes the next part easier

Mason: W-What!?

You: You see, you got something I need, we can do this the easy way or the hard way- You pointed your knife at his neck, specifying what you wanted

Mason: H-Help! This lunatic's attacking me!!- He pleaded on his radio, but to no avail

You: I don't think there's anyone left to hear you, mate. Oh well, no one will ever miss a menace to society

Screaming could be barely heard in the middle of the explosions and the base itself crumbling down

After a while, you exited the room with a satisfied expression on your face. You found Pharah and Neith waiting for you on the other side of the base shortly  after

Pharah: What happened? Everything okay?

You: Yeah, just made sure he learned the lesson. Come on, let's go

She nodded and you left the place, with the little girl in your arms

As you moved away from the warehouse, the survivors followed you as well, walking out of the now broken facility

However, on your way back to the dessert, Pharah tapped you on the shoulder slightly, gaining your attention

Pharah: Y/N?

You: Yeah?

Pharah: This woman wants to talk to you

You: Go ahead?- You answered in a confused tone, not really knowing what did they wanted

Woman: Thank you, for everything you've done for us- By her tone, it was evident she struggled to say that

You: Wow...Y-You're welcome?

You too, struggled with this, since you aren't used to people actually thank you for anything.

Then, a man and an omnic approached you as well

Omnic: But, why help us?

Man: A bunch of complete strangers?

You stopped in your tracks and turned towards them with that same troubled expression

You: You all deserved a second chance to live, no matter what you were before this, so use this new life wisely and don't waste it

It seemed to be enough for them since you could see the man smile and the robot nod as well in approval

Man: Thank you

Omnic: We won't forget it

Even Pharah was convinced by your answer, yet you wished you could tell her the truth, you really did, but this was just too damn important

You three kept walking in the desert until something flew above you, it was a bunch of helicopters and they landed close to you

Cheerful for this, you all increased the pace and rushed towards it

When you were within range of the closest helicopter, you stopped in your tracks and looked down at Neith

You: Alright Neith, you will go with Pharah, she will take care of you

You handed her to the armored lady after saying that

Neith: And what about you?

You: I still have some bad guys to stop

As soon as she heard this, she looked down in sadness

Neith: I hate goodbyes...

You: Me too, kid *Sigh* me too...

She then began sobbing, getting your attention in no time

Neith: Y-You will...f-forget me...

You: What? No I won't, not you, Neith

You admitted to her, as she looked at you with tears in her eyes

Neith: Y-You promise?

You: Promise

You leaned down and placed your own hat on her head, when felt it, she was shocked at this and surprised you with a hug

It was only a matter of time before you hugged the child back, with a smile on your face

You: Be good, kiddo

When she finished the hug, she was now smiling and holding the hat carefully as she if her life depended on it

As for Pharah, she smiled at her before looking at you with kindness in those eyes

Pharah: It was a memorable experience fighting by your side, Y/N

You: Likewise, you are quite a surprise, Fareeha- There was something in the way you said it that made her blush against her will, earning a chuckle from you

Pharah: Be good, okay?

You: I'll try- You shrugged and looked at her giggle at this

Pharah: Until we meet again, Y/N

You: I'll look forward to that- She nodded and entered the helicopter, with Neith now sitting in front of her

They looked at you one last time, with those heartwarming smiles as the helicopter flew away along with the survivors, leaving you alone in the desert.

As you watch them fly away, so did your smile, as it returned into a cold, broken gaze

Shortly after, your communicator activated yet again and it revealed none other than the boss himself

Reaper: Does she suspect anything?

You then looked at the direction the helicopter went before answering

You: Not in the slightest, sir- You admitted, while having a somewhat troubled expression

Reaper: Good, stay there, I'm sending a ship for you

The call ended just after he said that

You: I'll be waiting- You ignited a red flare and placed it next to you so you'd be easier to locate

That was quite the experience you just had, not only did you met someone who saw through the whole act of yours, but also made you question your methods as well

Gabriel was not going to like that

After a small period of silence, you laughed at the possible outcome and began humbling the same song yet again, soon enough singing it as a sign of victory.

As you started your act yet again, you could spot Emily walking towards you, with a defeated expression, only making it more enjoyable


"The record shows I took the blows"

You reached into your pocket and took out the same chip you were tasked to retrieve, covered in blood as if it was forcefully removed

You stared at the small artifact with a sinister smile on your face as you finished:

"And did it, my way"

"...Yes, it was my way"

This is part of those One-shots I was talking about! Please make sure to support your favorite or request any if you like and as always, please enjoy :D

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